Custom Publishing: Bruce Willis Explains How to Stay in Shape
The summer issue of Vash Bank TRUST contains exclusive material about Bruce Willis. This time, “Mr. Diehard” shares his secrets for staying in great shape and describes his exclusive workout program along with recent changes to his athletic style.
Readers will also find the latest news about the bank winning a prestigious financial award and innovations to the bank’s official website and telephone service system. Readers will also discover useful information about current bank products and services and such special promotions and offers as convenient and advantageous loans for home repairs, new TRUST Online features, bank card discounts, instant money transfers, unlimited possibilities in cash management services, SMS helpline for company accounts, business owner bonuses and other interesting opportunities for individuals and businesses. As always, the issue contains new comics, entertaining celebrity news and horoscopes offering predictions for love and finance.
The newspaper continues to be released in hard copy, online and iPad versions. The electronic versions contain additional content and audio-video effects.