New Chief Editor at Cosmopolitan Psychology
Yevgenia Baturina takes over as the new editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan Psychology magazine.
Yevgenia Baturina has worked with the Sanoma Independent Media publishing house for more than 10 years. She graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in journalism in 2005, served as an editor for Cosmopolitan from 2005-2007, went on to work as editor-in-chief for the weekly women’s magazine Gloria from 2007-2009, and from 2009 until her recent appointment served as deputy editor-in-chief for Cosmopolitan.
“We are very pleased with the dynamics of Cosmopolitan Psychology magazine,” said publisher Lyudmila Agafonova. “According to the latest wave of studies by TNS Russia, the magazine’s national audience has grown both in Moscow and nationally. Given the growing interest that Russian women are showing in psychology and the search for inner harmony, coupled with Ms. Baturina’s enormous editorial and managerial experience, we are confident that the Cosmopolitan Psychology brand will continue its successful development. Our team also now includes Yulia Burtseva, a talented art director who has helped perfect the magazine’s layout, making it more modern and accessible for readers. The publication will be integrated into all events devoted to this year’s 20th anniversary of the Cosmopolitan brand, giving us a far greater reach starting in September 2014,” Agafonova said.
“Our readers strive for harmony, and we seek it, too, by combining journalistic excellence and psychological experience in one publication,” Ms. Baturina said. “Outstanding journalists and skilled psychologists contribute to our magazine. The staff includes certified coaches — people with psychology degrees and, of course, solid editorial experience. In the near future, several regular columnists will join the team and new headings and sections will appear, making the magazine’s structure more clearly defined and accessible. Our readers like to work on themselves, and we like working for this magazine. Everyone will be pleased with the result,” she said.
Cosmopolitan Psychology is a glossy magazine for young women about popular psychology and self-knowledge. It is a positive modern magazine that gives the readers an upbeat mood and shows them they can enjoy life right here and now, establish harmonious relationships and develop a sense of self-confidence. This is a magazine for those who love to ask questions and are not afraid to hear the answers.