Excursion by Na Rublyovke Newspaper

Readers of the Na Rublyovke newspaper visited Vadim Zadorozhny’s Museum of Technology in Arkhangelsk. It is the largest such museum in Russia and one of the largest in Europe. Automotiv Emotions, a company specializing in finding, selling, restoring and servicing modern and vintage automobiles, served as tour guide.
In one of the museum’s garages, an Automotiv Emotions guide showed participants cars in various stages of restoration — a 1970 Ford Mustang, 1968 Ferrari, 1935 Chrysler Concorde, a 1912 steam engine and even a floating 1961 Amphicar. In the museum itself, the newspaper’s readers learned about the development of the Soviet and Russian auto industries and viewed representative models — an armored ZIS-115 owned by Josef Stalin, a 1959 GAZ Chaika, a government model ZIL 41047 used by first Russian President Boris Yeltsin, a 1956 GAZ M-21G Volga and the very first Soviet-era mass-produced economy car, the “Invalidka.”
Part of the excursion looked at rare models from the Western automotive industry: the U.S. Holsman, Ford and Buick (1908-1927), the French Delahaye (1948-1951), the German Horch 835A (1936-1940), BMW 326 Wandler and BMW 328 (1936–1941), as well as the Italian Alfa Romeo.