Spring Surprises from Custom Publishing

We all need a little boost after the long winter. Find out how to recharge your body with vitamins and bring it back to its former strength in the spring issue of Assorti magazine, produced by Custom Publishing for the Globus Gourmet deli chain.
Globus Gourmet brand chef Jorge Seville prepared a new spring menu that includes healthy and interesting dishes ideal for those who care about their health, as well as for anyone observing the fast. The issue also highlights new Globus Gourmet products. Customers will enjoy a gastronomic premiere, a veritable kaleidoscope of flavors that infuse new bodily strength and chase away the winter blues. Fancy jams for cheese and colorful fruit cubes, pink cookies with champagne and nostalgic chocolate for adults, wholesome breakfasts and healthy olive oil: It’s all there in the spring issue of Assorti.
Be fresh and full of energy as you greet spring!