Cosmopolitan Psychology on Friendship

Cosmopolitan Psychology’s October cover story is “Friendship: the most honest relationship.” Growing up, making friends is as natural as breathing. But as the years pass, housework, jobs, family and children gradually push friends out of our orbit. In the story, psychologists explain why this should be avoided at all costs.
Also in this issue:
Self-awareness: turn your vision into a working project with step-by-step instructions to help you either implement your idea or decide on a new one;
Relationships: finding the balance between love and sex – if you and your partner are missing either one, it’s time to correct the problem;
Figure: overcome your cravings for sweets – even cheesecake! – and learn loads about scents and “love at first sniff”;
Children: how to tell your child if are wrong without punishing them;
Problem-solver: learn why we do ourselves harm ¬– life coach Natalia Stilson explains self-sabotage and how stop it;
Trends: we speak with a hater and learn why it is fashionable these days to hate, criticize and ridicule;
Interview: Marina Kravets, the only female resident comic of the Comedy Club, explains that she is surrounded by good people, has male friends and that her husband is more likely to talk to her about problems than her female friends;
Joy: vacation on the Canary Islands – the island archipelago enchants visitors with delicious meals, cactuses, volcanoes, sand dunes and meerkats.
The Dreamboard contest continues in this issue. Readers have already selected their ideal self-image, man and house. Now they must select their dream hobby.
The October issue of Cosmopolitan Psychology went on sale September 23 at a new, reduced price. An iPad version of the magazine is also available.