Cosmopolitan Psychology in December

Certain people among us are especially lucky in life and are proof that miracles do happen. Everything seems to go their way: they hold prestigious jobs that they manage with ease and always seem to get the last ticket for the flight they need. But if we study these people carefully, it turns out that they live according to very specific principles. The December issue of Cosmopolitan Psychology explains how to live life in order to enjoy the same good fortune.
In this issue:
Couples: Learn why certain milestones and anniversaries play such a major role in relationships. Some people insist on planning their wedding on a “lucky number” day, some women wait until December 31 to move in with their boyfriend while others wait until Women’s Day on March 8 to get a divorce. Why?
Relationships: Why do some people enjoy family gatherings while others suffer through them with a grudging sense of duty? Is it possible to strengthen familial bonds?
Interview: How actor Konstantin Kryukov manages to bend this unpredictable world to his will.
Children: Learn to answer the tough questions: “Does Santa Claus really exist?” “Do stuffed animals come alive when we sleep?” and others.
Self-Awareness: We reconfirm that happiness differs for everyone. Contributors from 4 years old to 86 share what makes them happy.
Trends: How have our attitudes toward gifts changed? Brightly wrapped gifts are on the way out, and gift certificates and envelopes containing money are in. Why?
Joy: Choose the perfect New Year’s outfit, makeup and hairstyle.
Gifts for the whole family and horoscopes for 2015.
Also in this issue – the final stage of the Dreamboard contest. This month readers choose the perfect me, man, house, hobby and job. All that remains is to find the best vacation spot. Editors will announce the contest winner soon.
The December issue of Cosmopolitan Psychology went on sale on November 25 at a new, reduced price. An iPad version is also available.