Men’s Health in May

The May issue of Men’s Health magazine is out, featuring star of “300: Rise of an Empire," Sullivan Stapleton, with his rock-hard torso on the cover.
Another special superstar guest in this month's issue is Mark Wahlberg. The actor, best known for starring in the films “The Fighter,” “Contraband,” “Pain and Gain” and many others, is an example worth following, not only for his great physique, but for the smart way he has managed his career.
In the Personal Trainer section, find the third stage of a 12-month program for gaining muscle mass: taking aim at the deltoids and quadriceps.
Also in this issue:
Becoming a night runner if you have no other time for sports;
An illustrated answer to the question of why even ordinary people become rabid fans during major sporting events;
An alternative to the typical BBQ – salad with juicy beef steak and loads of greens;
A concise careerist’s dictionary: what to say if you want to make more money;
17 new excuses and alibis for all occasions;
In Men’s Talk, how to overcome laziness;
In There’s a Place, exploring the 100-meter-deep Blue Hole sinkhole;
Instructions: how to get a grade in sports;
Four reasons to celebrate being short;
Seven natural, legal and practically harmless stimulants to help you be fresher and more energetic;
A drunken man’s cookbook: foods that will sober you up, and how to turn a nightmare into a tolerable morning;
A guide to the types of women who will probably agree to sex without any strings attached;
A provocative quiz, “How well do you understand sin?” tells readers if they can resist the temptations of the modern world;
In Adventure, lessons in downhill skiing;
A review of hot new hatchbacks with over 300 hp under the hood.
Both large and small-format versions of the magazine distributed in European Russia include a large wall calendar of the World Hockey Championship in the Czech Republic.
The May issue of Men's Health went on sale April 14.