National Geographic Russia in December

National Geographic Russia has released its December issue. Inside, readers will find “Placebo or the Power of Faith,” in which scientists explain how the hope for a cure prompts patients’ brains to release a “pharmaceutical factory” into their bloodstream.
Also, find “The Moscow Kremlin,” a graphic reconstruction of the Kremlin has made it possible for the first time to see it as it appeared in the 18th century – a coherent ensemble before it was distorted by multiple rearrangements; “Parks of Tomorrow,” about how global warming will affect national parks – should they try to “preserve” their outward appearance or do everything possible to resist the changes?
Lastly “The Sergei Obruchev Expedition,” which showcases rare photos from renowned early 20th-century explorer and geologist Sergei Obruchev that his daughter found in the family’s archives.
The magazine went on sale December 1. An iPad version is also available.