«We’ve become even more techno-savvy, focused and creative»

Independent Media CEO Natalia Vesnina took part in the Point of No Return special project hosted by the PRIME Economic Information Agency, the Managers Association of Russia (M.A.R.) and the RIA Novosti agency.

The project collects and collates the opinions of the Top 1,000 Russian Managers candidates as to which irreversible changes the coronavirus pandemic has brought to business. In blitz interviews, top managers answer questions on how external factors have affected their business. This time, survey participants told us which new challenges they faced during the pandemic, whether this situation had led to any positive changes and if there were a way to “insure" against similar circumstances in the future. 

You can read Ms. Vesnina’s answers here

The Top 1,000 Russian Managers ranking has been published annually for more than 20 years. It summarizes the results of the work year and identifies Russia’s most professional managers – leaders in their industries and functional areas, according to their professional peers. 

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