First Issue of TechInsider Already on Sale!

In the new issue, TechInsider editors figured out where to look for antimatter aliens, learned what cities of the future will look like and what neural networks do when processing ore, studied a 300-meter superyacht for scientists, and checked which trees have taken hold of cities.

Also in this issue:

  • Anti-worlds: it is theoretically possible that anti-galaxies with anti-stars exist that are home to intelligent beings living on anti-planets.
  • Arctic city of the future: is it easy to build warm, durable houses on permafrost?
  • A superyacht for scientists: The Earth 300 research superyacht is set to be the largest in the world.
  • Garbage art: Deniz Sağdiç creates portraits from such waste products as scraps of fabric and wires, medical masks, plastic bags and bottle caps.
  • Electronic therapists: personal medical assistants collect and transmit data that can be interpreted remotely by a physician.

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