Tech Insider in December: When Neural Networks Learn to Compose Music

Over the past six months, neural networks have drawn more pictures than people have over their entire history. In the new issue, Tech Insider predicts when music generative networks will begin composing music based on our verbal commands. Readers will also learn how people descend into the world’s deepest caves, how an evening dress can fit into a spray can, how we shoot down asteroids, how robots work, and many more things that an inquisitive person simply has to know.

Also in this issue:

  • All levels of self–driving vehicles: a car drove from Point A to Point B. Nothing could be simpler, right? But if a robot is doing the driving, the task becomes much more complicated.
  • Planetary defense: sooner or later, a large asteroid will collide with the Earth. The only unknown is exactly when this will happen and what we should do about it.
  • Navigators of the underground: to reach the goal, you must know your start and endpoints. In subterranean space, surveyors accomplish this task.
  • This is a fuel cell bus: hydrogen energy is not about efficiency; it’s about ecology. From this standpoint, hydrogen is ideal. 

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        • Inverted Everest: speleology is a science and a sport.

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