Best of the Best

Robb Report Russia has totally changed its image and style. Everything is new, including the font, the breadboard model and the decor. The journal now resembles the almanacs of the beginning of the 20th century. The external gravity of the updated Robb Report corresponds to the contents. It's new image is aimed at making the magazine even more solid and trustworthy.

The September issue Robb Report is traditionally called Best of the Best; this year it is the fourth issue of its kind. It is a consumer's catalogue of the best goods and services of the year. This time the selection was made using a formal approach. The issue is divided into sections; a section is made up of sub-items of three brands each. It was a hard job. But we hope that there are more advantages than omissions. Also we also believe that this issue will find a place in the library of all fans of luxury.

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