Robb Report Russia: Overcoming Difficulties
It would be wrong to say that one of the themes of the Robb Report’s November issue - deprivation and difficulties - was inspired by the financial crisis: after all, Robb Report is not an economics publication. However, Pavel Teplukhin, managing partner of the Troika Dialogue management company, shares his thoughts on the crisis in the pages of this month’s Robb Report.
Readers can also learn - not about stock market trials - but about difficulties that they have come through very consciously, going head-to-head against unyielding Mother Nature. The aphorism that “nature is our true home” should probably be revised: Nature does not even remotely resemble a home, much less an office. But how an office should look is a topic readers will find in the November issue of Robb Report.
A fresh look should also be given to some ideas about luxury - and not because of the terrible crisis - but because of bizarre tastes, something even more terrifying. After all, the crisis will eventually come to an end.