Robb Report Russia: Battle at Sea

Yachting is the main theme of the May issue of Robb Report Russia. The magazine presents the 15 best sail and motor-driven yachts and examines trends through the example of the four most interesting yachting concepts. Readers will learn that classical style is coming back into fashion in yachting, and that the new boats rival the most luxurious villas for their comfort and furnishings. Robb Report experts give advice on the best ways to rent boats for summer vacations and the best places to anchor off the coast of Australia. The highlight is a gripping report by the magazine’s yachting editor who reports from the scene of the America’s cup where two titans are engaged in a battle of technologies and purses.
Sports is the second theme of this issue. This section profiles Europe’s top golf course with a membership fee of 1 million euros; three famous polo clubs in India, Great Britain and Argentina; the best sports watch, a sports jacket as the main element of a man’s summer wardrobe and a test drive of the latest in the new line of supercars from Lexus.