Domashny Ochag Met with Distributors

On Family, Love and Loyalty Day on July 8, Domashny Ochag magazine brought together its distributors and presented its new project – a series of cookbooks titled “Cooking is Easy” consisting of 11 collections of recipes. The presentation was held at the Domashny Ochag Institute.

Speaking during the official part of the presentation were Domashny Ochag Editor-in-Chief Maria Vinogradova, Independent Media Sanoma Magazines Marketing Director Anton Volkov and Domashny Ochag Marketing Director Yelena Lempert. Participants discussed the creative idea of the series as well as how to promote, distribute and deliver the books. Distributors shared their opinions, posed questions and obtained clarification on details of interest to them. A total of approximately 40 distributors from across Russia attended.

After the official part of the event, participants were invited to attend various master classes on cooking dishes from the “Cooking is Easy” cookbook series. Guests learned firsthand that the new cookbooks make cooking not only easy, but also delicious and fun. The master classes were conducted by chef Yury Makeyev (Theater of Taste) and his assistants. Makeyev also teaches at the Domashny Ochag Institute.

The “Cooking is Easy” cookbook series is planned for publication in late September.

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