Cosmopolitan Shopping in November

The theme of the November issue of Cosmopolitan Shopping: London. The magazine’s editors truly love that city – at once extravagant and prim, with centuries-old traditions and forever young, and full of schools, castles and top stores. The best addresses and shopping tour route for Foggy Albion – fans of the city name the best places to shop, eat, drink and have fun. A guide to the key elements of the British wardrobe and how to get into the best fashion school – don’t miss the special material in Cosmopolitan Shopping.
Also in the latest issue:
- Vivienne Westwood – the queen of punk and one of the best designers of the fashion world;
- Fifty-three ideas for the office: new trends in the business dress code;
- The most famous designers reveal the secrets of English style;
- Tilda Sweeton: a look at fashion from Scotland;
- An interview with top model Natalya Vodyanova.
The magazine went on sale October 19.