Domashny Ochag in July

The July issue of Domashny Ochag is out now. The issue features an interview with Ukrainian singer, actress and television host Nadezhda Granovskaya in which she talks about her new projects, interests, family and relationships.

Domashny Ochag expert and biologist Olga Dumkina explains how to make cosmetics at home. She offers a simple recipe for preparing an organic solution that is not only safe, but also striking. Readers will also learn what to do while on vacation in the city, on the beach or at the dacha; how to prepare herbal tea, what to do with your child this summer, how to remodel dacha furniture and what to make for lunch on a hot day.

Also in this issue:

Events & people: Premieres, July events calendar and Konstantin Kryukov gives a man’s view of what women should know about men;
Fashion & beauty: Sunscreen – editors choose the five best products;
Family & relationships: Everything you need to take into consideration to plan the best possible vacation;
Home & interior: How to store your tools and overcome disorder;
Health & fitness: 20 useful tips for summer;
Recipes & cooking: Pita bread – a convenient food for picnics, breakfasts or travel;
Travel: Finland – health, adventure and recreation; Italy – a Roman holiday by car.

The July issue of Domashny Ochag is advertised in promotional spreads in the magazines Schastlivye Roditeli (Joyful Parents) and Psychologies, as well as on billboards in Moscow.

The July issue went on sale June 10.

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