Domashny Ochag Gives Endorsement to 8 Ostrovov Tea

Domashny Ochag magazine has given its endorsement to the 8 Ostrovov (8 Islands) tea offered by the Tanuki chain of Japanese restaurants. The magazine’s logo will appear in all of the restaurant’s menus in Moscow and across Russia as part of its promotional campaign.

The tea has a warming effect and brings up memories of sunny summers. Aromatic, sweet and with a distinctive flavor of citrus and cinnamon, the beverage helps one unwind and restore energy at the end of a long workday. The drink also contains passion fruit and mandarin, both rich in nutrients that deliver a healthy dose of Vitamin C. Mint leaves combat fatigue and help restore one’s harmony and happiness. Cinnamon gives the tea a pleasant aroma and a wide range of healing properties and also improves digestion, gives a boost of energy and help keeps the body in tone. Tarragon facilitates better sleep patterns, strengthens the immune system and nourishes the body.

Domashny Ochag encourages everyone to come in from the cold for 8 Ostrovov tea at Tanuki restaurants this winter.

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