Domashny Ochag in April

The April issue of Domashny Ochag magazine features actress Ingeborge Dapkunaite. In an exclusive interview, she talks about her success, inspiration, and new projects.

Elsewhere, the magazine’s experts present 20 tips to have an ideal marriage and explain how to overcome feelings of fatigue and welcome the coming spring with newfound energy. Readers will find info about the new season’s trends and the most effective anti-aging products. They will also find home decorating ideas for Easter, traditional Easter dishes, and unusual holiday recipes.

Also in this issue:

Fashion & Beauty: Online shopping – the best Internet stores;
Family & Relationships: The diary of an adoptive mother – how it all began;
Health & Fitness: Actress Irina Lachina’s express workout;
Home & Interior: Setting the table for Easter;
Recipes & Cooking: Homemade Nutell; and
Travel: Thailand and the UAE.

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