Domashny Ochag in July: How to Live in the Body Positive Era

TV host Regina Todorenko, who appears on the cover of the July issue of Domashny Ochag, talks in an interview about her small son, a project that she had to launch while she was pregnant, and why it isn’t necessary to strive to be a perfect parent.

Also in this issue:

  • The fall of the beauty myth. How to live in the body positive era.
  • What to do if you are having trouble with your child.
  • How to throw the perfect dacha party that is fun for both adults and children.
  • Let’s take a vacation. A guide to Portugal, Turkey and Greece.

The issue is already on sale. Pleasant reading!

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Екатерина Крылова /

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Анна Хирьянова /

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Стася Соколова /

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